Friday, December 12, 2008

Ramblings of a Reader.

I once was an avid reader, and I loved reading romance novels. Although, I'd have to say my favorites were suspense/romance novels. Oh and it is to be noted these were not dirty or descriptive books. Anyway, with all the time I've had free at work, I've been reading some of them a second time and finding how ridiculously stupid they are!!! Let me give you the basic plot of many of them.

Week 1.
Enter Damsel. Enter Cowboy/Prince/other male figure.
Male sees Damsel.
Damsel sees Male.
Male and Damsel hate each other.
Male and Damsel argue.
Male and Damsel know each other for a few days.
Male and Damsel are in love.
Male and Damsel discuss their love.
Male confesses he has loved Damsel since seeing her.
Damsel admits her love may have even started before they'd ever met.
Week 2.
Male and Damsel get married.
Male and Damsel live happily ever after.

I can hardly get through these books when they've just met and hardly talked, but are getting all jealous and possessive of the other. It doesn't make any sense and isn't at all realistic. Just because 100 pages has passed, doesn't mean that enough time has passed for the characters to love each other. But who am I to talk... It's not like I've fallin in love... But even if I had. I can guarantee that I won't know it after a few days of NOT talking or seeing them...

Please. Who writes this stuff anyway?

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Icicles Have Formed On My Feet

Icicles have formed on my feet
Frost covers my glasses.
Fog smothers the air I breathe.
It is cold outside.

The heater is working hard
But failing to produce.
The radio is announcing
Something worse to come.

Will Ice fall from the sky
and coat the world with glass?
Will its freezing arms stretch out
and strangle electricity’s heat?

My home will become like a barren dungeon.
Bereft of all warmth
With no fire to light
Even blankets will provide little comfort.
It is cold outside.
The following are some of my favorite edits I did on a slow day at work...

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


One word could express how God views us.
But instead we fill our minds with a million others.

Unwanted, Lacking
Useless, Failure,
Unlovable, Worthless.

The whisper of the One
Is drowned out by the many.

Shouting accusatory voices.
Murderous hateful thoughts
that self condemn.

Blistering bruises
Seeping their ill-effects

Yet, the beauty of the One.
The unadulterated purity of its meaning.
Remains. Refusing to crumble.

Despite the lies.
The truth shines.

That’s all it takes for many to lose their strength.
That’s all it takes for the others to be silenced.

Time to Think.

I’m just another of the large population of employed individuals.
But I’m a professional. I get paid to think.
And when thinking isn’t required.
I get paid to warm this chair I sit in.

It is at these times, I consider the vast amount of words I speak.
And then the vast amount of words I ought to speak.
As well as the vast amount of words I ought NOT to speak.

At times, while sitting there, I consider outrageous things.
Writing a book.
Taking a day off.
Reading a book.
Not reading a book.
Standing up for a few minutes.
Quitting my job.

Although I’ve taken a few leaps of faith.
I have not gotten desperate enough to quit.
I guess getting paid to sit is better than not getting paid at all.

Sometimes I accomplish things.
It’s a pretty amazing thing.
Couldn’t tell you what it is though.

And at other times I just stare.
How can there be so much to think about?
And so much TIME to think about it?
And no thinking at all.

The less and less I am required to think.
The less and less I find I do it.

Of course when I am tired, and trying to sleep,
My mind refuses to be silent.

Perhaps, someday, I will be free of this life.
But then I’m not sure what I would do…
Perhaps I would accomplish something outrageous.
Although I couldn’t tell you what that could possibly be.
With all this time to think…
I haven’t gotten around to thinking about it yet.